When choosing the next destination for your incentive travel program, think about the possibility that this might be one of…
Category: Key concepts
When choosing a company, most applicants pay attention not only to the size of the salary and career prospects, but also to the atmosphere in the team, as well as the ability of management to encourage and appreciate their labor on merit.
Business travel
More than 100 million business trips are made worldwide every year. They are unevenly distributed geographically.
Conference tourism market – important growth factors
Conference tourism is a dynamic sector that focuses on organizing and hosting events such as conferences, congresses and exhibitions.
Business trips and participation in conferences
There is no doubt that conferences and traveling are stressful. They can also be frustrating. For you as an advocate, it’s a job, and as a great advocate, you have to take them seriously.
What does incentive travel give to employees?
When choosing a company, most job seekers pay attention not only to salary and career prospects, but also to the atmosphere in the team
History of Intensive Tourism
Along with trips to congresses and exhibitions, business tourism includes incentive tours. The term “incentive” is interpreted as inducing, encouraging.