Encouragement tourism


This type of tourism consists of organizing trips for employees of travel firms for leisure and recreation in order to encourage their professional diligence and strengthen their motivations. It also extends to tour sellers and individual clients to stimulate their professional activities.

Incentive tourism for professional tour salesmen is designed to familiarize them with the product or services they offer for sale. They explore all aspects of the products they offer to enhance the sale. This type is common in travel agencies, hotels, transportation organizations and leads to an improved level of customer service.

The modern character of tourism demand is shaped by subjective factors. With the emergence of new values, profound changes are taking place in human psychology. They are caused by the following moments:

  • more free, direct self-expression and self-assertion of their physical and spiritual data;
  • revision of relations with other individuals, social groups and institutions. These relations are of a softer and more flexible nature and depend mainly on the choice of the individual;
  • the formation of a different attitude to nature, in which, as noted in the final report of the UN Conference on Environment and Development (COPD-92), “man will moderate his pride and consumer egoism and try to live in harmony with Nature.

This is reflected in the concept of sustainable development of society on the basis of environmentally appropriate nature management, ensuring high quality of life of people in the chain of generations. Sustainable development is put forward as the main task of mankind at the turn of the century.

The main thing is that:

  • cultural and cognitive factors play a significant role in the development of tourism;
  • the importance of religious tourism is increasing;
  • the number of tourist organizations developing religious and pilgrimage tours is increasing;
  • more and more attention is paid to event tourism;
  • rural tourism is not only saving the personal funds of the tour consumer, but also solving the most difficult social problem – to familiarize children and youth with nature;
  • sports tourism is beginning to regain its importance with a simultaneous increase in requirements for its safety and comfort;
  • organized tourist trips for professionals (employees of travel agencies) significantly stimulate the increase in tourist demand.